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What is the Coast Guard Auxiliary?

The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary is a volunteer component of the Coast Guard that assists the Coast Guard, proper, by performing duties like vessel safety checks, harbor patrols, boating courses, search and rescue, and marine environmental protection.   

What is a flotilla?

A flotilla is the basic unit of organization of the Coast Guard Auxiliary.  Although this may make for a patchwork structure, it is important that the flotillas are self-sufficient and can adapt to different communities. Please note that although "flotilla" is etymologically Spanish, we pronounce it so that it rhymes with "Attila" rather than "tortilla".  Our flotilla is the Marina Del Rey Flotilla.  Our number is 114-12-07.  This number means that we are in the Division 11 South (which includes Southern California, Southern Nevada, Southern Utah, and Arizona), District 12 (Santa Monica Bay), and Flotilla 7 (Marina Del Rey). 

What is Flotilla 114-12-07 known for?

One of our strengths is public education.  Though the flotilla was originally known as "the Sailing Flotilla", we actually have a good mix of sailor and power boaters. You may see us at boat shows and festivals.